Friday, 8 January 2016

Tsing Yi Park, Hong Kong

In the past 2 years, there were trees with red leaves in the Tsing Yi Park. However, a warm winter this year makes the leaves just going to yellowish. Although the park is small, you still may take a picture as in National Park if you capture in good composition.

Camera: Olympus E-M5
Lens: M.Zuiko Digital 25mm F1.8
ISO: 200
Apeture: F8
Shutter speed: 1/125s
Metering Mode: Central Weight Average

The buildings are behind of the trees at the right hand side. Hence I composed the picture avoiding the buildings appearance inside the picture.

Tonal Adjustment -- The metering of E-M5 was excellent and I controlled the metering at the tree. No any brightness to be adjusted is need.

White Balance -- The AWB is accurate, the camera performs reality tone at that moment.

Detail Control -- Sharpening was adjusted to make leaves more sharpness.

Cropping -- There was a fence at the front of picture, I removed it because it disturbing  the picture.

Output -- Finally I exported the picture at 1200 pixel for web presentation as you see (click on the picture for the original size).

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