Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Michael's Film Photography

A few years ago I wrote a homepage recording my photography journey from the beginning of my use of large format with the iWeb. However, Apple stopped supporting iWeb many years ago and my homepage was down. I'll move the contents of the homepage here in English (original in Chinese) and update the latest status as well.

I first started my photography journey with digital cameras and I began film shooting in 2004. My first film system was the OM system. I owned OM-4T, OM-1n and many lenses and accessories. I was surprised by the appearance of film, especially slide film (positive film), I found it so attractive with a slide film projector. I appreciated the performance of lenses; film shooting is a great deal different from digital.

In 2010, I started large format shooting. Meanwhile, I studied B&W shooting, film development and picture printing in the darkroom. In 2011, I changed my large format Schneider lenses to brass lenses over one hundred years old. I'll introduce them in an upcoming post.

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